The Forbidden Corner

Forbidden Corner

The Forbidden Corner

The Forbidden Corner is a unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies and surprises  created within a four acre garden in the heart of Tupgill Park and the Yorkshire Dales.

The temple of the underworld, the eye of the needle, a huge pyramid made of translucent glass, paths and passages that lead nowhere, extraordinary statues – at every turn there are decisions to make and tricks to avoid.

This is a day out with a difference which will challenge and delight adults and children of all ages. Enjoy a day out in Yorkshire at The Forbidden Corner.

Opening times: Every day from 12th April to 31st October and then Sundays until Christmas.

Mon – Sat 12 noon til 6pm, Sundays & Bank Holidays – 10am until 6pm.

Tupgill Park Estate
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01969 640638
